Pandox’s whistleblowing service
We want to do the right thing
Pandox strives for sustainable value creation. Through a high level of expertise, good business ethics, an open business climate and constructive dialogue with the Company’s stakeholders, Pandox engenders a high level of trust from the outside world. Pandox has strong core values that are based on fair play. Pandox has zero tolerance for acts such as discrimination, harassment, crime, corruption and environmental crime. Equal treatment of all our employees, customers and suppliers as well as good business ethics is a key element. These core values have been documented in codes of conduct for employees and business partners. The codes describe Pandox’s principles and approach for employees and business partners, and for the Company as an employer and member of the community.
As part of this, Pandox provides employees and other stakeholders with a way to report all kinds of irregularities and misconduct within the Company, whether these are legal infringements, the breaking of guidelines, unethical conduct or other kinds of conduct that the employee believes to be wrong. The whistleblowing service gives everyone an opportunity to report any suspicion of serious irregularity. Our whistleblowing service is an early warning system to reduce risks to which the business is exposed. It is important for maintaining good corporate governance and maintaining customer and public confidence in us.
Whistleblowing service
You have an important role in our success and if you as an employee, customer or business partner want to draw attention to an irregularity within Pandox or a Pandox subsidiary, you can use our whistleblowing system:
Scan the QR below or go directly to

What can be reported?
All kinds of irregularities can be reported via Pandox’s whistleblowing procedure. Examples of matters that can be reported are given below, but the list is not exhaustive:
- Breach of Pandox’s codes of conduct
- Financial crime such as bribery (taking and giving), fraud or forgery
- Risks to human life and health, as well as safety breaches in the workplace
- Manipulation of accounting or financial data
- Discrimination and harassment in the workplace, such as discrimination on the grounds of age, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, political views or ethnic background, relating to employment or use of services
- Other breaches of applicable laws
Describe the matter carefully so that we have a basis for taking the investigation further.
What happens to your report
To ensure your anonymity the service is managed by an external party, WhistleB Whistleblowing Centre, The reporting channel is also encrypted and password-protected. The whistleblowing reports are received by two specially appointed lawyers at a Swedish law firm.
All reports are treated as confidential.
- Do not give information that could accidentally reveal the identity of individuals who wish to remain anonymous.
- Persons who are mentioned will be informed as soon as possible that an investigation is taking place
- The person who made the report is not communicated, even if their identity is known to the investigators. The exception is if a report results in a criminal investigation, since as the person providing the information the reporter may be called as a witness.
Our whistleblowing system is intended for serious irregularities in a work-related context within Pandox. It is such matters that will be investigated within the context of the system. Other matters will be forwarded to another appropriate party; see also the information in Pandox’s Guidelines for the Whistleblowing Service.
We encourage you to read through Pandox’s Guidelines for the Whistleblowing Service before making a report so that you are aware of how the service should be used, what the process is and the protection you will have as a whistleblower.
Data protection, privacy and zero tolerance for retaliation
All personal data will be processed in accordance with the data protection legislation in force. The reporter’s privacy will be protected and the identity of the person making the report will not be disclosed to outsiders. There is zero tolerance for retaliation against anyone who in good faith reports irregularities in accordance with Pandox’s Guidelines for the Whistleblowing Service.
Who is responsible for the service
If you have any questions about the whistleblowing system you can contact Anneli Lindblom, CFO Pandox AB, [email protected]