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Pandox is a member of several organisations within hospitality industry, property business and within sustainability.


EPRA European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) is an international organization that focuses on improving transparency, comparability, and relevance of reporting within the real estate sector. EPRA's Sustainability Best Practices Recommendations (sBPR) are guidelines that help companies measure and report their sustainability performance consistently.

Pandox has been members of the EPRA sustainability committee since 2024.


Sweden Green Building Council is the leading membership organization in Sweden for sustainable community buildning. Through certification, education and opinion formation they strive fore a society that is beneficial for both humans and environment. Within SBGC there are experts, companies and organizations from the whole country and they all work towards the same goal.

Pandox has been members since 2024. 


Fastighetsägarna is a nationwide business organization working for a sustainable and well functioning property market. Their vision is to improve the conditions for property business within the country, so that the market for housing and premises can develop. Toghether with the members good conditions for growth and room for the future is created. 

Pandox has been members since 2020. 

UN Global Compact

UN Global Compact gathers the world for a more sustainable society and works together with other UN-organizations, their members, government and the civil society in key aspects in order to accelerate faster towards the 17 global goals for sustainable development.

Pandox has signed UN Global Compact, meaning that the company has committed to follow the ten principles. To find out more follow this link.

Pandox has been members since 2019. 

Member of Energy & Environment Alliance

The Energy & Environment Alliance (EEA) is a global, not-for-profit coalition of hotel investors, asset owners and asset managers. Working with industry practitioners and technical experts, the EEA aims to transition Hotels to Net Zero Carbon (NZC) and Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) stewardship in a timely, sustainable, and profitable manner. Delivery of this aim is overseen by four Committees where Pandox take part in the following two since 2022:

  • The Capital Markets & Investment Committee: aligning the interests of lenders, investors, and hotel asset managers, to remove barriers and to encourage ESG investment in hotels and apart hotels.
  • The Technical Committee: overseeing creation of the world’s first global, scientifically robust NZC/ESG standard for sustainable building management in hotels and apart hotels.

World Sustainable Hospitality Alliance

The alliance represents large and small hotel companies with both international and regional portfolios. This includes 7 million rooms globally and 32 hotel companies with a combined reach of over 55,000 properties. The mission is to accelerate the path to net positive hospitality through strategic industry leadership, collaborative action, harmonisation of metrics and solutions.

Pandox is a member since 2023.