Human rights
Pandox is a member of the UN Global Compact and has therefore pledged to work according to its Ten Principles regarding human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. Pandox has also published a Modern Slavery Act statement in which the Company strongly opposes all forms of exploitation, servitude and child labour. Pandox therefore has zero tolerance for criminality, human trafficking, prostitution or sexual exploitation.

Pandox therefore has zero tolerance for crime, human trafficking, prostitution and sexual exploitation. During the year, zero cases of prostitution were reported. The majority of hotels conduct ongoing training courses that are of a very high standard and are usually developed by established organizations in the field. The courses provide a deeper understanding of how prostitution and sexual exploitation can be detected, prevented and managed. There are only a few hotels that do not have a comprehensive training program in-house and these have instead been given access to other hotels' digital training programs.
In 2023, we worked on strengthening our governance documents and internal processes to ensure a good due diligence process. This work was based on the impact assessment carried out in 2022 by an independent third party to identify, assess and report on human rights risks both in the supply chain and in our own organization, and what actions need to be taken to address these risks. The work was scoped for those industries and countries within the business and value chain that are considered to have a higher risk in human rights risk.