Environment and climate
Pandox’s efforts with respect to the climate and the environment are aimed at achieving resource-efficient properties and operations that reduce the environmental and climate footprint. Another important area is taking steps to adapt the properties and operations for a changed climate.

Pandox operates in an industry that contributes to significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which have a negative impact on the environment. Buildings account for 36 percent of GHG emissions in Europe 1). Pandox’s main environmental and climate impact comes from heating, cooling and electricity, and the use of building materials in activities such as renovation and retrofit. Water use, waste management and circularity are also material sustainability topics. In the updated materiality analysis carried out in 2021, two new materiality topics were identified: increased use of sustainable materials and climate adaptation of properties. Pandox is therefore focusing on activities to reduce energy and water consumption, and to increase resource efficiency. The Company also works on an ongoing basis to increase reuse and recycling of energy, water and materials, and to transition to renewable energy sources when this is possible. In 2022 Pandox submitted its commitment letter and the climate targets to the Science Based Target initiative for review.
Pandox’s targets and results in the environment and climate focus area.