Pandox Green Heroes:
Abdel Jabbar Rharssi
You don’t notice them at first. That’s because true heroes are not the type to boast. They work quietly and methodically behind the scenes to make sure that the buildings are resource efficient and offer a good indoor environment for employees and guests. Abdel Jabbar Rharssi is one of them.
27 May 2021

Abdel Jabbar Rharssi has received Pandox's award "Green Hero", for his work on sustainability at two of our hotels in Brussels.
Abdel has worked for Pandox since 2018. He started working at The Hotel in Brussels and is now also responsible for Hilton Brussels Grand Place. Abdel was named a Pandox Green Hero in 2020.
His proactive stance, good technical knowledge and a profound business focus are what led to him receiving this award.
How does sustainbility fit into your day-to-day-work?
“I start each work day by checking the energy and water consumption in our energy system. This allows me to see if any items of machinery or equipment are not performing optimally, so I can quickly take steps to fix the issue and save energy. I can also identify any water leaks and reduce the risk of potential damage to the building. We think first, make a considered decision and then act.
We’ve installed submeters so we can see how much energy is being consumed in different parts of the building. This provides us with valuable information. For example, one submeter showed high nighttime consumption for one of our tenants in the building, even though they only operate during the day. We worked with their operations manager to change the nighttime settings and this enabled us to save energy and money.”
What's the best thing about your job?
“I appreciate my colleagues and the fact that we work together to solve any problems that arise. Most of the work we do is behind the scenes – not always visible – but it’s still vital in ensuring that everything is working properly. It’s encouraging to meet satisfied guests who like our hotel and want
to come back.”