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Communication policy

This policy has been adopted by Pandox's Board of Directors to fulfil the rules for stock market information and Nasdaq Stockholm's issuer rules under the listing agreement.

Pandox's ambition is for the Company's communication to be perceived as clear, credible and proactive. 

Pandox's communication shall make it easier for external stakeholders to form a nuanced view of the Company's current and future operations.

Pandox's communication shall, regardless of the information channel, always comply with laws and regulations and be consistent with the Company's strategy, business priorities and brand values.

Employees are encouraged to refer communication questions to the Head of Communications and Investor Relations and/or the Director of Communications and Investor Relations, CEO and CFO.

Any information in external communications that is feared to constitute inside information, or that is deemed to change the established view of the Company, should be discussed with the Head of Communications and Investor Relations, CEO, CFO and, when necessary, Group Counsel.

Pandox does not provide forecasts. However, the Company makes general statements about the future prospects of the hotel market and, where applicable, investment projects in connection with quarterly reports. 

As a general rule, only Pandox's CEO - or a person authorised by the CEO - may make statements on behalf of the Company. If the CEO is not available, the CFO in the first instance and the Head of Communications and Investor Relations in the second instance shall assume this role.

Primary communication channels

Pandox's primary communication channels for the capital market are:

- Press releases.

- Conference calls and webcasts.

- Investor meetings, including roadshows.

- Industry and investor conferences.

- Capital Markets Days and other educational events.

Crisis management

In the event of a serious crisis where there is an information requirement to the financial market, Pandox's management team, together with other relevant people in the organisation, shall be convened and ensure proper internal and external communication. The group is convened and chaired by the CEO.