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“I’m a real fan of a good corporate culture” 

On 1 December 2021 Anneli Lindblom became Pandox’s new CFO. She has many years’ experience of listed companies both in the role of CFO and as a board member. Anneli was attracted by Pandox’s long-term perspective and its agile operational focus – and not least, its strong corporate culture.

See Anneli Lindblom describe her first few months at Pandox here.

Welcome to Pandox, Anneli!
What’s your previous career experience?
In my role as CFO I’ve had the privilege of working in various industries, mainly in listed companies. It’s always interesting to find similarities between industries and to be able to make use of what you’ve learnt. For example, I’ve worked a lot with service providers that often calculate occupancy and rates in a similar way to how it’s done in hotel operations. And since 2013 I’ve also held board positions in the real estate sector, including as chair of the Audit Committee for Hemfosa and for Amasten.

What made you decide to take the role of CFO at Pandox?
The job at Pandox attracted me because of the opportunity to combine real estate with selling a different kind of service in the hotel industry. I love the combination of managing a large balance sheet with a long-term perspective while at the same time working with incredibly agile operating activities. I’m a real fan of a good corporate culture and I liked what I heard about Pandox. When you’ve worked in organisations with lots of employees you see the confidence that a good corporate culture can create – and which then injects more energy into the day-to-day work and increases job satisfaction.

“Pandox is a driven, forward-looking company, despite the negative impact of the pandemic””

What are your first impressions of Pandox?
That it’s a driven, forward-looking company, despite the impact of the pandemic on the industry in general. The way it has continued to develop without being paralysed by the restrictions that were reintroduced in the fourth quarter is an indication of Pandox’s ability to move forward even in a headwind. At my first meetings with my colleagues at Pandox I was also struck by the in-depth expertise everyone seemed to have in their respective areas.

And the obvious question: what’s your favourite hotel?
My two absolute favourite hotels are Hotell Granen in Åre and Sporthotellet in Engelberg, two hotels that offer excellent personal service combined with good food. But then my positive view is probably also influenced by the fact that I like skiing and snowboarding, so I get a great feeling as soon as I step into reception there.