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Hotel exterior - red stone building with a glas door entrence

Investor Relations

Financial calendar

Latest interim report

Pandox AB (publ) interim report January–March 2024


Pandox as an investment

Pandox owns hotel properties which are leased to strong hotel operators. Pandox is active across the hotel value-chain and also operates hotels when appropriate. Since its foundation in 1995, Pandox has built a pan-European business platform and a property portfolio with a market value of approximately SEK 70 billion, which is more than 100 times larger than at the start.

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Annual Report 2023

2023 was a good year for Pandox, with strong net operating income and strong business momentum. Total revenues and total net operating income increased by 21 percent and 13 percent, respectively, compared to 2022, driven by higher revenue-based rents in the Leases business segment and good growth in the Own Operations business segment. We ended the year strong and our outlook is positive.

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Key ratios, 31 March 2024

Key ratios, 2023

Pandox’s business model is to actively own and lease hotel properties

Business model


Strong position in a dynamic market

Pandox’s home market is a densely populated area that is home to nearly 200 million people. It extends from Harstad, in the north to Vienna in the south and is one of the world’s economically strongest and most dynamic regions. By combining different markets, types of demand and brands, Pandox can balance out fluctuations in individual markets. This increases resilience and reduces risk.

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The Midland Manchester


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Anders Berg
Senior Vice President and Head of Communications and IR
+46 760 95 19 40
Erik Ax Rabaeus
Director, Communications & IR
+46 70 713 77 06