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Board of directors

According to Pandox's articles of association, the board of directors must comprise no fewer than four and not more than eight members

Christian Ringnes

Chair of the Board

Chair of the Board since 2004, chair of the Remuneration Committee and member of the Finance Committee.

Other appointments

Chairman Eiendomsspar AS and Victoria Eiendom AS (and board appointments for companies in the group). Chair of the Board Sundt AS (and board appointments for several companies in the group) and Dermanor AS.

Independent in relation to the Company and the executive management team: Yes

Independent in relation to principal shareholders: No

Jakob Iqbal

Board member

Board member since 2020 and member of the Remuneration Committee.

Other appointments

Chief Executive Officer Sundt AS (plus board and management roles at several companies in the group). Chair of the Board Helene Sundt AB and Christian Sundt AB. Board member Equitile Investments Ltd. Member of nomination committees for Otello ASA, Panoro ASA and Ultimovacs ASA.

Independent in relation to the Company and the executive management team: Yes

Independent in relation to principal shareholders: No

Bengt Kjell

Board member

Board member since 1996. Vice Chair of the Board and chair of the Finance Committee.

Other appointments

Chair of the Board Amasten Fastigheter AB. Vice Chair Indutrade AB and Logistea AB. Board member AB Industrivärden and others.

Independent in relation to the Company and the executive management team: Yes

Independent in relation to principal shareholders: Yes

Ann-Sofi Danielsson

Board member

Board member since 2015 and chair of the Audit Committee.

Other appointments

Board member Vasakronan AB, Rusta AB, Building Automation Nordic AB, Infrakraft BidCo AB
and others.

Independent in relation to the Company and the executive management team: Yes

Independent in relation to principal shareholders: Yes

Jon Rasmus Aurdal

Board member

Board member since 2018 and member of the Audit Committee and Finance Committee.

Other appointments

Chief Financial Officer Eiendomsspar AS and Victoria Eiendom AS. Board and management positions in several subsidiaries of Eiendomsspar AS and Victoria Eiendom AS. Board member Lillunn AS.

Independent in relation to the Company and the executive management team: Yes

Independent in relation to principal shareholders: No

Jeanette Dyhre Kvisvik

Board member

Board member since 2017.

Other appointments

Chief Executive Officer VILLOID AS. Board member VILLOID AS.

Independent in relation to the Company and the executive management team: Yes

Independent in relation to principal shareholders: Yes

Ulrika Danielsson

Board member

Board member since 2023 and member of the Audit Committee.

Other appointments

Active in own business. Board member Platzer Fastigheter AB, Nyfosa AB, Infranord AB, Storytel AB and Kallebäck Property Invest AB.

Independent in relation to the Company and the executive management team: Yes
Independent in relation to principal shareholders: Yes

Shareholdings and insider transactions
Click here to see the board members' shareholdings and insider transactions in the Pandox share.