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The auditor shall review the Company’s annual reports and accounting, as well as the management of the board of directors and the CEO.

Following each financial year, the auditor shall submit an audit report and a consolidated audit report to the annual shareholders’ meeting.

At the annual general meeting 2024 the accounting firm Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was elected as auditor with the authorised public accountant Sofia Götmar-Blomstedt as auditor in charge.

Sofia Götmar-Blomstedt's other assignments:  Thule Group, Scandic Hotels, Coop/KF, Cloetta, Pågengruppen and Ecolean.

Renumeration to auditors

MSEK 2024202320222021 
Audit assignment-13,6-12,3-10,9-11,0
Audit-related services-0,1-0,3-0,9-1,1 
Tax advisory services--0,3-0,2-0,2 
Other assignments-2,2-0,8-0,2-0,6